Continuous Integration

PLTcloud allows for uploading a release utilizing a command line client. This client can be included in a CI pipeline in order to automatically deploy a firmware build to PLTcloud.


Supported Environments

The PLTcloud client is distributed as a Debian package and should work on Debian and other distributions supporting .deb files.

The PLTcloud CLI has been tested with Travis CI and GitHub Actions.

Other CI tools can be utilized as long as they run a supported OS and support the installation of custom packages.


pltcloud -t <TOKEN> -v <VERSION> -p <UUID> -f <GLOB>

-t token    API Token
-f string   File specifier
-v version  Release version
-p uuid     Project UUID

Files can be specified with patterns such as: **/prefix*, grandparent/**/child?, **/parent/*, or even just ** (which will include all files and directories recursively).

Example: Travis CI integration



  • A Travis CI account and Travis CI client

  • A Git repository containing DUT firmware image and test plans

  • A PLTcloud organization, user and project

Step 1: Validate Travis CI build

In order to upload a release, the PLT test plan, and any associated assets such as DUT firmware must be available in a directory.

The existing build should create all the necessary files for a release in the install or script life cycle.

For example:

sudo: required
language: c
- make dist

Step 2: Add section to install PLTcloud CLI

Add a before_deploy: section to .travis.yml in order to install the CLI tool.

- sudo apt-get update
- sudo apt-get install -y musl
- wget
- sudo dpkg -i pltcloud_0.3.0_amd64.deb

Step 3: Configure Project and Token environment variables

  • Log in to PLTcloud and select the Project menu item from the project drop-down in the top banner.

  • Copy the UUID from the Project Details and as an environment variable in .travis.yml

    For example:

  • Select API Tokens from the drop-down menu under the user menu.

  • Select Add Release Token, login and copy the Release Upload Token

  • Encrypt the token and add it to .travis.yml with the command travis encrypt API_TOKEN=*************** --add

Step 4: Add deployment

  • Add deployment section to .travis.yml

    - provider: script
      skip_cleanup: true
      script: pltcloud -t "$API_TOKEN" -f "dist/*" -v "$TRAVIS_TAG" -p "$PROJECT_UUID"
        all_branches: true
        tags: true

Example: GitHub Actions


  • A GitHub account and repository containing DUT firmware image and test plans

  • Access to GitHub Actions

  • A PLTcloud organization, user and project

Step 1: Validate firmware build and test plans

In order to upload a release, the PLT test plan, and any associated assets such as DUT firmware must be available in a directory.

Setup a GitHub Action workflow to build the firmware and copy test plans to a known directory.

For example, the Zephyr Action in the Zephyr firmware for demo board project is used to build the firmware files and copy the test suites to a dist/ directory.

Step 2: Configure project and token secrets

  • Log in to PLTcloud and select the Project menu item from the project drop-down in the top banner.

  • Copy the UUID from the Project Details page and a secret named PROJECT_UUID in your GitHub project.

  • Select API Tokens from the drop-down menu under the user menu in PLTcloud

  • Select Add Release Token, login and copy the Release Upload Token

  • Add the release token to GitHub secrets and name it API_TOKEN

Step 3: Update the Workflow to deploy to PLTcloud

  • Add a step in .github/workflows/main.yml beneath step that builds the firmware.

    - uses: bcdevices/pltcloud-action@v1.1.4
      if: contains(github.ref, 'tags')
        API_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.API_TOKEN }}
        PROJECT_UUID: ${{ secrets.PROJECT_UUID }}
        FILES: ./dist/*demo*
        VERSION: ${{ github.ref }}

See also