PLT-OS v1.11

PLT-OS v1.11.x is the current Stable release track, supporting PLT-300A.


PLT-OS v1.9.x introduced a new system partition sizing, making PLT-OS v1.11.x unable to revert to pre-v1.8 PLT-OS versions.

If a unit running v1.11.x needs to be downgraded to a pre-v1.8 version, it should first be downgraded to the most recent PLT-OS v1.8 release.

PLT-OS v1.11.10

Bugs fixed:

  • PLTOS-341: Fix for internal PLT-300A firmware not being updated on some units.

PLT-OS v1.11.9

not released publicly

PLT-OS v1.11.8

Bugs fixed:

  • PLTOS-334: UART stability fixes

PLT-OS v1.11.7

Bugs fixed:

  • PLTOS-278: Avoid lock-up on USB-CDC disconnect

  • PLTOS-324: Fix handling of test items without declared test steps

PLT-OS v1.11.6

Bugs fixed:

  • PLTOS-234: Address cases where PLT-300A enrollment could be lost during power-up.

PLT-OS v1.11.5

New features:

  • TGT-129: Add avrdude command for use with AVR-based MCU’s.

PLT-OS v1.11.4

New features:

  • PLTOS-234: Additional diagnostics to investigate enrollment issues.

PLT-OS v1.11.3

Bugs fixed:

  • TGT-128: Fix MiniProg4 selection by id and path.

  • PLTOS-321: Fix user key substitution in uart command.

New features:

  • TGT-125: Add support for programming TI CC1352P7 devices.

  • PLTOS-319: User key substitution in path, id, and interface fields.

  • PLTOS-320: Support id and path selection for cmsis (pyocd) target.

PLT-OS v1.11.2

Bugs fixed:

  • TGT-122: Improve reliability of programming TI CC1352 devices.

  • PLTOS-317: Remove VARVDIV from mux select.

New features:

  • TGT-122: Support for programming TI CC1352 devices via CMSIS-DAP.

PLT-OS v1.11.1

Bugs fixed:

  • PLTOS-306: Address cases where a DUT remained powered-on after a test failure.

New features:

  • PLTOS-302: program command: trim, Microchip SAM user page handling

PLT-OS v1.11.0

(not released publicly)