Target name




DFP device


The CMSIS target is a generic target for programming ARM Cortex-A/M/R targets with a CMSIS Device Family Pack (DFP) definition over a USB-attached CMSIS-DAP debug probe.

DFP pack files can be downloaded from the official CMSIS-Pack list.

Supported Targets

Most Cortex-M devices on the market have DFP packs available, but not all of them have been validated to work with the (ARM-based) PLT platform, as many DFP packs are intended for Intel-based host platforms.

  • NXP LPC11C24

- command: program CMSIS "blinky.hex"
  pack: "Keil.LPC1100_DFP.1.4.0.pack"
  target: "LPC11C24FBD48/301"
  • NXP i.MX RT1010

- command: program CMSIS "blinky.hex"
  pack: "Keil.LPC1100_DFP.1.4.0.pack"
  target: "LPC11C24FBD48/301"

Supported Debug Probes

Example PLTcloud Projects