Label Printing

The default ZPL generated by the PLT upon completion of a YAML test plan specification can be overridden by uploading template-pass.zpl and template-fail.zpl files as part of the Release deployed through PLTcloud.

Example template-fail.zpl file:

^FX template-fail.zpl - ZPL Template for failing DUTs

Example template-pass.zpl file:

^FX template-pass.zpl - ZPL Template for DUTs that pass testing
^FO40,60^FDBLE Address:BLEMAC^FS

Example: Substitute CODE

title: "Custom barcode substitution"
- ident: ICT-T0
  title: Define label keys
  - command: define CODE 12345
  - command: label keys CODE


PLT Tested Label


Sample “PLT Tested” label with DataMatrix barcode

This template contains a BARCODE_A1B2C3D4E5F6G7H8I9 placeholder for the payload of the barcode, reserving sufficient size to encode 128 bits of data. Include this file as template-pass.zpl in the PLTcloud project deployed to a PLT.

title: "PLT Tested barcode substitution"
- ident: ICT-T0
  title: Define label keys
  # 40-bit decimal representation of a UUID
  - command: define BARCODE_A1B2C3D4E5F6G7H8I9 272591031380294133745056697788699092364
  # Specify the placeholder to substitute
  - command: label keys BARCODE_A1B2C3D4E5F6G7H8I9