PLT-OS v1.10


PLT-OS v1.10.x is a maintenance-only release track supporting PLT-200A and PLT-300A, and is no longer recommended for new projects.


PLT-OS v1.9.x introduced a new system partition sizing, to allow for supporting programming targets and other enhancements. This makes PLT-OS v1.10.x unable to revert to pre-v1.8 PLT-OS versions.

If a unit running v1.10.x needs to be downgraded to a pre-v1.8 version, it should first be downgraded to the most recent PLT-OS v1.8 release.

PLT-OS v1.10.11

Bugs fixed:

  • PLTOS-9: Show PLT serial number when offline

  • PLTOS-297: Fix the detail desult value of the resume command

  • PLTOS-298: Fix for an issue in factory reset handling

  • PLTOS-299: Show an abort message if enrollment was cancelled

New Features:

  • PLTOS-255: Test Reports now include CAN transfer timestamps

  • PLTOS-295: A fail: field can be added to a Command Step, specifying the message shown in the report when the step fails.

  • PLTOS-296: ident: and title: fields can now be set for Command Steps, just as for Test Plan Items


  • LY11-583, PLTOS-25: Test Reports now include PLT main CPU and internal PLT serial numbers

  • PLTOS-283: Test Report now include the return value for helper tools

PLT-OS v1.10.10

Bugs fixed:

  • LY11-614: Fix RDTP Reset on PPCs without a RDTP00RDTP15 I/O expander

  • PLTOS-109, PLT-272: internal firmware update stability improvements

New features:

  • PLTOS-270: new resume command: control resume behavior

  • PLTOS-287: usb detect command: avoid open, log scan

  • PLTOS-292: UX Board Startup Animation


  • LY11-606: cut down UX board firmware image size

PLT-OS v1.10.9

Bugs fixed:

  • PLTOS-98: Prevent release from loading if org has changed

  • PLTOS-234: Better PLTCloud connection retry handling

  • PLTOS-279: CMSIS program target: Don’t wait forever for HW probe

  • PLTOS-284: Fix BLE adapter detection and connection retry issues.

  • TGT-111: Support latest NXP MCU-Link firmware (v3.122).


  • PLTOS-285: Starting test run is more responsive. Better handling of system errors on Test Start.

PLT-OS v1.10.8

Bugs fixed:

  • TGT-119: erase AVR targets before program

  • PLTOS-273: Disconnect PLT from DUT grounds, and ensure DUT power is off before each test run.

New Features:

  • TGT-119: Program ATMega168P/PA/PB with PICkit4, JTAG

  • PLTOS-265: USB: Timeout for usb detect command


  • PLTOS-15: Clarify “Device Not Found” errors

  • PLTOS-236: Improve PLT internal firmware update reliability.

  • PLTOS-251: UART: expect before extract

  • PLTOS-261: BLE: Improved BLE logging

  • PLTOS-262: BLE: Allow closing closed GATT connections

PLT-OS v1.10.7

(not released publicly)

PLT-OS v1.10.6

Bugs fixed:

  • TGT-113: fix STM32H7_DualBank targets

New features:

  • PLTOS-17: suite: Add ‘teardown:’ section

  • PLTOS-254: Log UART transport times

PLT-OS v1.10.5

Bugs fixed:

  • PLTOS-249: The canMatch command now checks the entire message against expected value.

  • PLTOS-250: Setting a timeout now works with the canMatch command.

New features:

  • TGT-113: STM32H7_DualBank and STM32H7_DualBank_STLink targets

  • LY11-594: Provide UUID as key values: _REPORT_UUID and _REPORT_UUID_DECIMAL.

  • PLTCLD-269 - Embed JSON schema URL in test reports.

PLT-OS v1.10.4

(not released publicly)

PLT-OS v1.10.3

New features:

  • TGT-110: Add nRF52_DAP target.

PLT-OS v1.10.2

(not released publicly)

PLT-OS v1.10.1

Bugs fixed:

  • PLTOS-233: Prevent connectivity issues from causing a not enrolled response

  • PLTOS-237: image command: fix path error

  • PLTOS-239: Fix nil dereference upon uartcmd errors

New features:

  • PLTOS-4: wait command

  • PLTOS-231: eval command: format date

  • PLTOS-229: Re-add generic CMSIS-DAP support

PLT-OS v1.10.0

(not released publicly)