Test Plan YAML definition


PLT Test Plan (.YAML)

In-circuit and Finished Goods (FG) test plans can be transcribed as PLT test plan (.YAML) files.

Example: A minimal test suite, with a single test item, scanning a bar code.

title: "PLT demo: Scan"
- ident: SCAN-T1
  title: Scan MAC address
  - command: scan ANY

Test Plan Structure

PLT test suites are encoded as YAML text files, starting with the test suite title.

title: "PLT demo: Scan"

The title: is followed by the suite: section, containing the test items in the test plan.

Test Items

Test items are identified with an ident: line, can contain a descriptive title, and should contain one or more test item steps.


The ident: field can be used to match PLT test plan items with items in the ICT and FG Test Plan .XLSX files or documents.

The ident: field can be omitted, in which case test items will be automatically enumerated. A top-level identPrefix: field can be used to set common prefix for auto-generated test item identifiers.

During test execution, all test item steps need to complete successfully for the test item to succeed.

Test Item Steps

Test item steps consist of command: blocks. A Test Item can contain multiple Test Item steps.


Retry counts can be set at the test item or at the test item step level, by adding a retry: field.

title: "Retries"
identPrefix: "R"
- title: Test Item retries
  retry: 3
  - command: sleepms 1000
  - command: operator Manual
- title: Test Item retries
  - command: sleepms 1000
  - command: operator Manual
    retry: 3


Timeouts can be set at the test item or at the test item step level, by adding a timeout: field.

title: Basic timeout field usage
- steps:
  - command: operator "Confirm"
    timeout: 5s

The timeout can be can be expressed in milliseconds, which is the default unit, or by using suffixes such as:

  • “400ms” for 400 milliseconds.

  • “5s” for a 5-second timeout.

  • “1m” for a timeout of 1 minute.

Calibration Section

Some test setups may require additional calibration, which can be specified in the YAML test plan with an optional top-level calibration: section.

- [ppc: <ppcID>]
  [impedance: <impedanceOffset>]
  [voltage: <voltageOffset>]
  [voltageDATP07: <voltageOffset>]
  [voltageDATP08: <voltageOffset>]
  [voltageDATP09: <voltageOffset>]
  [voltageDATP10: <voltageOffset>]
  [voltageDATP11: <voltageOffset>]
  [voltageDATP12: <voltageOffset>]
  [voltageMUX0: <voltageOffset>]
  [voltageMUX1: <voltageOffset>]
  [voltageMUX2: <voltageOffset>]
  [voltageMUX3: <voltageOffset>]
  [current: <currentOffset>]
  [current3V3: <currentOffset>]
  [current5V: <currentOffset>]
  [currentVARV: <currentOffset>]
- ...

The following fields can be set in a calibration entry:




Define the PPC for which this calibration entry should be applied. If omitted, the section defines the default offsets, to which a PPC-specific calibration section would be added.


Specifies the offset for impedance measurements.


Specifies the offset for voltage measurements.


Specifies the offset for voltage measurements on the voltageDATP07 measurement channel. Overrides the offset specified in the voltage: field.


Specifies the offset for voltage measurements on the voltageDATP08 measurement channel. Overrides the offset specified in the voltage: field.


Specifies the offset for voltage measurements on the voltageDATP09 measurement channel. Overrides the offset specified in the voltage: field.


Specifies the offset for voltage measurements on the voltageDATP10 measurement channel. Overrides the offset specified in the voltage: field.


Specifies the offset for voltage measurements on the voltageDATP11 measurement channel. Overrides the offset specified in the voltage: field.


Specifies the offset for voltage measurements on the voltageDATP12 measurement channel. Overrides the offset specified in the voltage: field.


Specifies the offset for voltage measurements on the voltageDATP09 measurement channel. Overrides the offset specified in the voltage: field.


Specifies the offset for voltage measurements on the voltageDATP10 measurement channel. Overrides the offset specified in the voltage: field.


Specifies the offset for voltage measurements on the voltageDATP11 measurement channel. Overrides the offset specified in the voltage: field.


Specifies the offset for voltage measurements of the voltageDATP12 measurement channel. Overrides the offset specified in the voltage: field.


Specifies the offset for current measurements.


Specifies the offset for current measurements of the current3V3 measurement channel. Overrides the offset specified in the current: field.


Specifies the offset for current measurements of the current5V measurement channel. Overrides the offset specified in the current: field.


Specifies the offset for current measurements of the currentVARV measurement channel. Overrides the offset specified in the current: field.

With the following argument values:




PPC identifier for a ppc: field, to define a calibration specific to a particular PPC.


Offset for impedance measurements. Can be specified with nOhm, uOhm/µOhm, mOhm, Ohm, kOhm/KOhm or MOhm suffixes. If no suffix is specified, the offset is assumed to be specified in Ohm.


Offset for voltage measurements. Can be specified with nV, uV/µV, mV, V, kV/KV or MV suffixes. If no suffix is specified, the offset is assumed to be specified in Volt.


Offset for current measurements. Can be specified with nA, uA/µA, mA or A suffixes. If no suffix is specified, the offset is assumed to be specified in Ampere.


Example test plan with a Calibration Section
title: "test plan with calibration"
identPrefix: "ICT-T"
# Default offsets
- impedance: -100 # 100 Ohm
  voltage: +20mV # Default for all voltage channels
  voltageDATP01: +40mV
  voltageMUX2: +20mV
  voltageMUX3: +30mV
  currentVARV: -20mA
# Additional offsets specific to a particular PPC
- ppc: 39c8db  # Additional offsets for this PPC
  impedance: +120Ohm
  voltageDATP08: -10mV
  current5V: +100mA
- title: Impedance Measurement
  - command: mux 0 RATP02
  - command: mux 1 RATP17
  - command: mux 2 RA
  - command: mux 3 RVREF
  - command: short 0 2 set
  - command: short 1 3 set
  - command: measure impedance 10-20Ohm

runs-on section

An optional runs-on: section allows specifying test execution constraints.

Example: test plan requiring PLT-OS v1.9

  version: "1.9"
- steps:
  - command: operator "Hello"

Example: Complex constraints

title: Complex constraints
  # Supported PLT-OS version(s)
  # Multiple version constraints can be provided (OR)
  - "1.2.3"
  - "~> 2.0"
  # Comma-separate constraints (AND)
  - ">= 5.0.0, < 7.2.3"

  # Only on PLTs with attached PPCs with any of these IDs
  - "a32fa1"
  - "323213"

  - "PLT-200A"
  - "PLT-300A"

  - steps:
    - command: sleepms 1000