Organization Details
The Organization Details page has the following fields:
Name - The name of the organization.
Owner - The User who has Owner permissions.
Administrators - the Users who have Administrator permissions
Managers - the User who have Manager permissions
Viewers - the Users who have View permissions
Limits - The maximum allowed projects, users, and deployment groups. If any of these limits are exceeded, you will see a warning to upgrade your subscription, and functionality will be degraded.
Change Information (Administrator)
Navigate to the Organization Details page
Click the Edit button next to the Name field.
Update Name or Host Name fields as needed
Click the Change button
Click the Dismiss button to return to the Organization Details page.
When changing Host Name, you may have to log in again to be able to use the new host name.
Change Owner (Owner)
Only Administrators are eligible to become Owner
Navigate to the Organization Details page
Click the Change Owner button
Select the User you want to transfer ownership to
Click the Set Owner button
Reload the browser page to see the change
Delete Organization
Navigate to the Organization Details page
Click the Settings button
Enter the new name in the Name field
Click the Delete Organization button
Click the Delete button to confirm
See also