UART Interaction

Configure UART

Configure UART1 at 9600 baud, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit:

- command: uartCfg UART1 9600 8N1

Configure channel 1 on an external FT4232-based FT4232H Mini Module USB to UART adapter as UART2:

- command: uartCfg UART2 115200
  path: "1"
  interface: "1"
  id: "0x0403:0x6011"


Send and Receive

Example: extract ICCID from cellular modem, storing in the ICCID key.

- command: uart UART0
  expect: "+CCID:"
  extract: "CCID: (\\d{20})\r\n"
  extractKey: ICCID
  send: "AT+ICCID\r\n"

Example: extract multiple keys at once

- command: uart UART0
  send: "\r\nkernel version\r\n"
  extract: "\r\n(.*) version (.*)\r\n"

Example: send and expect bytes from hex strings.

- command: uart UART0
  send: hex "decafe01"
  expect: hex "badc0ffee1"

Example: expect string

- command: uartExpect UART0 Pressed
- command: operator "Press button"
- command: uartAwait UART0 1

Example: expect bytes

- command: uartExpect UART0 "hex ef0102"
- command: operator "Press button"
- command: uartAwait UART0 1


Expected Timeouts

Example: test for read timeout after sending a string

- command: uartReadTimeout UART0 1 "AT"

Example: test for read timeout after sending bytes

- command: uartReadTimeout UART0 1 "hex badc0ffee1"
