PLT Details

The PLT Details page has the following fields:

  • Serial Number - PLT Serial Number

  • Model - PLT Model

  • Name - PLT Name

  • IP - The last IP address of PLT

  • Connection - The status of that connection

  • Deployment Group - The deployment group the PLT is part of

  • Project - The project the PLT is part of

  • Current Release - The release that is downloaded to the PLT

  • Available Release - The release that is staged for download

Change PLT Name

  • On the PLT Details page, click the Settings button

  • Enter the new name in the Name field

  • Click the Change button

  • Click the Dismiss button. You will be taken back to the PLT Details page

Change Deployment Group

  • On the PLT Details page, click the Set Deployment Group button

  • In the listbox, select the new deployment group

  • Click the Set Deployment Group button. The PLT will be moved to the new deployment group, and you will be taken back to the PLT Details page

  • Click on the PLT button on the side menu to view the new deployment group

Reset PLT


This functionality is only available if a user belongs to the Administrator or Manager teams.

  • On the PLT Details page, click the Reset button

  • On the reset page, there are three options

    • Restart - Reboots that PLT remotely.

    • Restart (Debug Mode) - Reboots the PLT into Debug Mode which allows connecting to the PLT over the local network. This option will only appear if there is an active debug key uploaded to the project.

    • Reset deployment - Clear PLT deployment

Remove PLT

  • On the PLT Details page, click the Remove PLT button.

  • Click the Remove button to confirm the change.