ITECH IT851xx DC Loads


The IT8511[A..D] series requires a IT-E122 USB adapter, or a USB-CDC interface.

IT-E122 (Optional): USB optical isolation communication Cable for use with Model IT6302, IT8500+ Series


Sample Test Plan

Using Virtual COM Port (VCP) SCPI interaction

title: "ITech DCLoad - VCP Interaction"
  - ident: TPM
      - command: define DCLOAD_UART "UART2"
      - command: define DCLOAD_VIDPID "2EC7:0666"

  - ident: DCLOAD.CONFIG
    title: "Configure DC Load"
    retry: 2
      - command: usb detect
        title: "Detect DC Load USB interface"
        id: "%DCLOAD_VIDPID%"
      - command: uartCfg %DCLOAD_UART% 9600
        title: "Configure VCP (USB-CDC)"
        id: "%DCLOAD_VIDPID%"
      - command: uart %DCLOAD_UART%
        title: "Set remote control mode"
        send: "SYST:REM\r\n"
      - command: uart %DCLOAD_UART%
        title: "Send SCPI Reset"
        send: "*RST\r\n"
      - command: uart %DCLOAD_UART%
        title: "Query device identification"
        send: "*IDN?\r\n"
        extract: "^(.*)\r\n"
        extractKey: DCLOAD_DEVICE_ID
      - command: uart %DCLOAD_UART%
        title: "Start system in normal mode"
        send: "SYST:RUNMNORM\r\n"
      - command: sleepms 100

  - ident: DCLOAD.RES270
    title: "270 Ohm DC Load: ON"
    retry: 2
      - command: uart %DCLOAD_UART%
        title: "Set mode to RES"
        send: "MODE RES\r\n"
      - command: uart %DCLOAD_UART%
        title: "Verify mode"
        send: "MODE?\r\n"
        extract: "^(\\w+)\r\n"
        extractKey: DCLOAD_MODE
      - command: uart %DCLOAD_UART%
        title: "Set resistance to 270 ohms"
        send: "RES 270\r\n"
      - command: uart %DCLOAD_UART%
        title: "Verify resistance"
        send: "RES?\r\n"
        extract: "^(\\d+)\r\n"
        # expect: "270"
        extractKey: DCLOAD_RES
      - command: uart %DCLOAD_UART%
        title: "Enable input"
        send: "INP ON\r\n"
      - command: uart %DCLOAD_UART%
        title: "Verify input state"
        send: "INP?\r\n"
        extract: "^(\\w+)\r\n"
        # expect: "ON"
        extractKey: DCLOAD_INP
      - command: sleepms 100

  - ident: DUTTEST
    title: "DUT Test"
      - command: wait "Testing.."
        timeout: 1s

    - command: uart %DCLOAD_UART%
      title: "Disable DC Load input"
      send: "INP OFF\r\n"

Using USBTMC SCPI interaction

title: "ITech DCLoad - USBTMC Interaction"
  - ident: TPM
      - command: define DCLOAD_VIDPID "2EC7:0666"

  - ident: DCLOAD.CONFIG
    title: "Configure DC Load"
    retry: 2
      - command: usb detect
        title: "Detect DC Load USB interface"
        id: "%DCLOAD_VIDPID%"
      - command: scpi connect DCLOAD
        title: "Configure SCPI (USBTMC)"
        id: "%DCLOAD_VIDPID%"
      - command: scpi command DCLOAD "SYST:REM"
        title: "Set remote control mode"
      - command: scpi query DCLOAD "*IDN?"
        title: "Query device identification"
        extractKey: DCLOAD_DEVICE_ID
      - command: sleepms 100

  - ident: DCLOAD.RES270
    title: "270 Ohm DC Load: ON"
    retry: 2
      - command: scpi command DCLOAD "MODE RES"
        title: "Set mode to RES"
      - command: scpi query DCLOAD "MODE?"
        title: "Verify mode"
        extractKey: DCLOAD_MODE
      - command: scpi command DCLOAD "RES 270"
        title: "Set resistance to 270 ohms"
      - command: scpi query DCLOAD "RES?"
        title: "Verify resistance"
        extractKey: DCLOAD_RES
      - command: scpi command DCLOAD "INP ON"
        title: "Enable input"
      - command: scpi query DCLOAD "INP?"
        title: "Verify input state"
        extractKey: DCLOAD_INP
      - command: sleepms 100

  - ident: DUTTEST
    title: "DUT Test"
      - command: wait "Testing.."
        timeout: 1s

    - command: scpi command DCLOAD "INP OFF"
      title: "Disable DC Load input"